Saturday, October 16, 2010

True High School Sweethearts

Blanche Cahoon Moss cherished her children including her youngest baby Patsy Del. She kept precious diaries about Pat as she grew up. Such treasures like on February 16th, 1928 when Patsy was 6 months old her mother wrote "A better baby darling never lived" or on April 14th, 1929 "Patsy Del says "Oh! Bull."

Pat's family owned a Dairy and when she was in high school Pat found herself in the unique position of holding an important role in its success. This was during World War II and having enough men to help run the Dairy was difficult, especially since Pat's older brothers were overseas serving in the military. During this difficult time for their family Pat's father, who she lovingly called Papa, learned to trust and rely on her help and hard work. She kept the dairy running on the weekends and missed school on days when Papa was short help. When the war was over and her brothers returned, Pat was able to look for a "girl's job" to her mother's relief.

Entries from December 1945 to June 1946
Note the last entry about Don and Jim coming
to "comfort" the girls while their parents were away.
Click on the image to see it enlarged.
On March 11th, 1946 her mother wrote, "Pat started working down to Beneficial. Sure seems good to be working at a girl's job. Pat sure helped save the Moss Dairy."

Grandpa always joked about marrying a rich girl from the south end of the county; that he had to teach her how to work. Well, to the surprise of NOONE Grandma Pat had an incredible work ethic that riveled Grandpa's long before he came along.
January - March 1944
Don's name first enters the journal on February 12, 1944 when Don and Pat were Juniors at Davis High School. They first met in school as Sophmores in a typing class but on February 12th, 1944 they attended a girl's choice dance. Don's name shows up on nearly each page after that day.

As I continue to scan these journals I will share the special pages about these two high school sweethearts. In fact, there are many juicy details to share about their early days! Like the time Don kept Pat out until 3:00am. As the journal said, "Don better watch out!" Keep checking back and I'll be sure to get that one on soon.

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